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Holistic Consultants is also vendored for Self Determination transition support and also Independent Facilitation.


What is Self Determination?

The Self-Determination Program allows participants the opportunity to have more control in developing their service plans and selecting service providers to better meet their needs.


What is Person Centered Planning?

Person-centered planning is about the individual’s future and reaching their goals. The process should be driven by the individual and reflect what is important to and for that person. Person-centered planning can include other people, such as family or friends, only if the individual chooses to include them in the process. Once the individual has made choices about what he or she wants and needs, an individual program plan (IPP) is written based on the individual’s decisions. The IPP lays out the individual’s goals and what is needed to reach those goals, including necessary services and supports.


Who is eligible for Self Determination Program?


Any eligible regional center consumer may participate in the Self-Determination program on a voluntary basis. The consumer must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Has a developmental disability as defined in Welfare and Institutions Code 4512.

  • Agrees to specific terms and conditions, which include but are not limited to, participation in an orientation for the Self-Determination Program, working with a Financial Management Services entity, managing the Self-Determination Program services within an individual budget; and only purchasing services which are eligible for federal financial participation and not available from a generic agency.

  • Does not live in a licensed long-term health care facility (i.e., a Skilled Nursing Facility or Intermediate Care Facility or State Developmental Center). If an individual living in one of these facilities expresses interest in the Self-Determination Program, through the person-centered planning process, he or she can request that the regional center begin making arrangements for their transition to the Self-Determination Program, provided that he or she is reasonably expected to transition to the community within 90 days.


How can Holistic Consultants Assist with Self Determination program?


Holistic Consultants can assist with transition support from Generic Regional Center Resources to Self Determination:

  • Linking individuals to services

  • Assisting with budget

  • Independent facilitation services

  • Providing transition supports from generic regional services to SDP supports.

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